Thursday, July 3, 2008

Acne scar removing and natural remedies for acne redness

Tea tree oil can also be used in removing scars. But you have to be a bit apprehensive about using tea tree oil because this essential oil is very strong. In fact, you have to dilute this essential oil at 95% water and only 5% tea tree oil. This is how strong it can be. But when you do start using tea tree oil, you will see for yourself just how effective it can be. This is because tea tree oil has antibacterial properties that can aid in removing scars left by acne.
If you are using the wrong makeup, you could be clogging your pores. It is best not to wear any at all, but it's hard when you have acne because you need to cover up your pimples and redness with foundation. In doing so, you could be causing your skin to break out even more. So what are you supposed to do?
We take our 3 point plan and simplify it, the first step to take is to reduce your intake of processed food, eat more fruit and vegetables, the second step is to drink more water, many health professionals recommend 8 glasses a day (depending on your environment) and lastly exercise and sunshine. That's it simple and free Suggestions For Beating Acne. Now you need to use common sense and probably run my simple suggestions past you doctor but this simple strategy help me become acne free in 6 months.
tags: my acne is gone, laser treatment for acne scar malaysia, how to clear acne quickly

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