Monday, August 4, 2008

Fraxel laser acne scar and how to treat acne nodules

The very first thing one has to be disciplined about when treating acne is to wash your face daily. This may sound like common sense but there are many people who think that cleansing their face means splashing water while in the shower. Well it is a little more than that. You need to first choose a proper cleanser that is made for acne treatment. This cleanser will remove the dirt, oil and dust from your face. Also if the cleanser contains salicylic acid, it can help to unclog the pores as well. Also use lukewarm water when washing, as this is gentler on your skin and aids in the unclogging of pores. Choose an acne facial wash that is gentle on the skin and is not over drying.
Readers know that we believe the cause of acne lies within ourselves. Acne is a inflammatory skin condition caused not by what rub on the outside of our skin, but by what we have going on inside. Flareups are caused by pore blockage, which are in turn, caused by hormonal activity, internal body detoxification, and other various internal processes. It's these activities that eventually lead to whiteheads, blackheads, and other rough acne patches.
Your skin is the largest organ of the body, so it only makes sense to take good care of it. This means keeping it clean and healthy on a regular basis, in order to prevent acne, aging, and other skin problems from occurring. The best way to keep your skin healthy is to use natural acne skin care products, since they naturally work to maintain skin health.
tags: acne medication salicyd acid, childrens acne over the counter medication, proactive acne treatment

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